He Shou Wu

Scientific name: Radix Polygoni Multiflori
English name:  He Show Wu, Fo-ti
Chinese name: 首烏, 何首烏,赤首烏, (Mandarin: Shǒu wū/ Cantonese: sau2 wu1  )

What is Shou Wu?

  • Shou Wu is in from the perennial herbaceous plant family. It is picked during the Autumn season while its leaves start to wither during the Winter season.
  • Shou Wu comes in a reddish brown color, rugged edges with some irregular grooves and fine lines, there are also some obvious lenticels on both ends.
  • Unprocessed dried Shou Wu which is brown in outer-surface and white in inner surface, generally used to relieve constipation.
  • Processed dried Show Wu, in dark red color, is typically cooked with black soybean juice to promote its medicinal benefits.

Are there any health benefits?

  • Shou Wu is a versatile herb to help with anti-aging. It is used to treat hair loss and restore the color of graying.
  • It is also been used as a natural laxative, nourish blood, regulate blood pressure and cholesterol level.

How do I select Shou Wu?

  • At the time of purchase make sure it is solid and powdery.

How do I consume Shou Wu?

  • Boil Shou Wu with black silky chicken, black bean and red dates to make a soup.
  • Shou Wu has been linked to some side effect including liver damage.  Avoid overdosage and always speak to your traditional Chinese medical TCM doctor before using Shou Wu.
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